The latest recital that I had the extreme pleasure of playing with my piano partner, Dr. Jessica Koebbe! We performed this repertoire at MNU (May 2021) and recorded it to present at the June 2021 Puerto Rican Center for Collaborative Piano conference online. We love playing together, so you’ll see more links coming soon!
This link is to a piece that I recorded with Jiwon Choi, a wonderful Kansas City area pianist who entered the Puerto Rico Center for Collaborative Piano competition in May 2021. We are at the 40:00 mark on the video playing: Típico Tríptico Característico by Andrés Levell:
Here is a link to the MNU Faculty Recital on January 24, 2016. Gina Hart-Kemper is assisted by Charles Dickinson, Piano & Kimberly Krutz, Bassoon.
Here is the program of the recital (January 24, 2016 @ MNU) in the above link. [There is a mistake In Camille Saint-Saens dates & should be: 1835-1921 rather than what you see which are Mozart's dates!]
And below are the program notes that accompanied the same recital. (January 24, 2016 @ MNU)
Here are links to two lessons that my student at MNU were kind enough to let me record:
and more recordings are coming soon . . . thanks for listening!